World Enough And Time and The Doctor Falls Reviews

This was the Series 10 finale starring Peter Capaldi,Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas, Michelle Gomez and welcoming back John Simm.

Personally, I loved most of it however I disliked certain parts denying perfect episodes.


World Enough And Time

This episode saw Bill Potts get killed and became the first companion to be transformed into cybermen. I wasn’t happy with the treatment Bill got and I didn’t like her being forced into a cyberman and Jorj being racist and shooting her but I would have actually liked him to have a better punishment for his crime.

I loved the flashback about the companions being convinced to be Missy’s companions and te Doctor’s history with her. I loved the fact we saw Bill’s wait for the Doctor and her friendship with Razor before he turned on her and was revealed to be the Master. Unfortunately, people worked out that Razor was Simm and I would have personally loved to have waited till World Enough And Time aires but a journalist exposed it! Also loved the way Missy joined her former self but things will change.

I would have watched it a day later as I was on holiday and wasn’t back till the day after transmission  due to weather in where we were gonna stay, we came home staught away and just missed transmission and watched as soon as I got back without spoilers and plot leaking.

Score: 8/10

The Doctor Falls

This was the episode where I actually was fine with the person getting bad things  happen as it was crucial.

I didn’t like the beginning when The Doctor was on the wheelchair but even though it’s Simm’s trademark, it should have stayed in the past with Ten not Twelve.

This episode saw the poor time lord get loads of inflictions. Bill the cyberman overrides her conversion to save The Doctor when he is electrocuted by a  Cyber and left for dead by the Master’s ???. Nardole ignores them but they are stopped by Bill which I think is really funny as she is giving the Masters payback for leaving him ???. He is unconscious for a while and wakes on a farm that the group are able to fly to. Bill struggles to come to terms from her conversion and scares my favourite guest star Alit (Briann Shann) who runs to the Doctor who  hugs her and rewards for her for her kindness and gives her a Jelly Baby. He attempts to comfort Bill.

By this point, The a Masters are divided by their opinions however the Master asks the Doctor for tips for when he becomes Missy and gloats when he asks about the future of being Girl when Bill warns them of Cyberman coming. Good reference to Jodie Whittaker as 13 which we didn’t know until a few weeks later. Also, the most important is bit is when the Master is killed Missy stabbing him but allowing him to regenerate. However the Master kills Missy by using his laser screwdriver and disabling all her remaining regenerations to stop her becoming good. She laughs until she dies. I will miss Michelle Gomez as she is my favourite Master. I feel that Moffat might have messed up the regenerations with Missy but if Chris Chibnall does decide to bring the Master back, I wonder how he would bring her back.

The main brilliant point of this episode is seeing the Doctor refuse to regenerate and him holding back. The climax is my second favourite moment of Doctor Who ever just beaten by Darillium from The Husbands of River Song in 2015, he gets several fatal shots before blows up the floor and himself. He is dead for several minutes.

Bill’s fate I question and hopefully is resolved at Christmas. We see Stephanie Hyam aka Heather or Water Heather. I am not a fan of Heather sadly cause she freaks me out as the water creature but we learn those Tears she gave to Bill in the Pilot brought her back but more human like this time and kissed her which I felt was OK but I am not a fan of the relationship but the chance Bill chose to join her rather than be restored was good but it just felt Clara again and I feel Moffat has let down immensely with these and especially with Nardole but could a relationship with  Hazran(Samantha Spiro) be on the Cards? I felt he deserved better but is he done yet?

Heather’s gift is handed over to the dead Doctor as Bill’s Tears end on him and he wakes up after hallucinations of his companions from Rose to Bill, personally should have been his era not other era’s and few were missing however it’s a homely tribute. He starts to remember  Clara but will he find her or at least remember her again? The furious Doctor walks out on the Cold Open And starts to regenerate but stops where he encounters his first incarnation now played by David Bradley with him saying a reference and quote that I felt was needed and reflected is something from the Five Doctors.

Score 9/10

Overallit was a great story and despite mistakes was 90% better than Hell Bent. Good direction from Rachel Talalay and hope she keeps it up wit the Christmas Special?

I am looking forward to Christmas with a preview on Children on Need! I will be sad but happy.