UNDERRATED FINALE – The Battle Of Ranksoor Av Kolos Review

The Battle Of Ranskoor Av Kolos concludes Series 11 and unlike some fans, I enjoyed it. It was about the Doctor and friends having a rematch with Tzim Sha and the Doctor learning about her action and Graham struggling to do the right thing and for the first time in a while. The series finished with a happy ending which makes me smile!

Jodie Whittaker has definitely done a clean sweep of episodes in one series without being criticised by myself and she performed the best she has done and deserves a lot of congratulations for it. Jodie did have some memorable lines and I think she definitely deserves a second series and I am glad she gets the chance to improve and maker her a bit darker and develop like Peter Capaldi did as that worked for him and have praised him despite the series’s being ranked lower and he had a journey so I am pretty sure it can work for Jodie but hopefully more differently.

Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole took their characters to another level as I totally loved them having a strained relationship this episode as Ryan told Graham not to kill Tzim Sha which he doesn’t and just shoots him the leg and it’s nice to see them appreciate each other and Ryan access Graham as his Grandfather so they should be round.

Mandip Gill was amazing once again. She had a great role and when she wanted to be with Doctor, it felt empowering as she didn’t what her to be alone and that is friendship their. I would like to see Yaz have more of combat role in the future as I think she need to have it but not suffer the damsel in distress syndrome which happened with Polly and Victoria and it’s modern times at the moment.

The Ux and Paltraki were interesting characters and did their for the episode and glad that they all survived and will go travelling together.

Definitely the best finale for me even though high they should have been more risks and surprises and was too safe.

Scores: 10/10