Doctor Who Week Day 2: Tidal Wave Review

Topic; Big Finish

Chosen Audio Series: Unit Assembled 

Story: Tidal Wave

UNIT Assembled: Tidal Wave is the second part of the UNIT Assembled boxset and it has Katy Manning as Jo Grant called back by UNIT to investigate a submarine which is taken over by a Silurian agent Burmaster who works for UNIT. Burmaster attempts to wake the Sea Devils and try to cause a Silurian invasion on Earth which Jo is able find out from the Sea Devils herself and when Burmaster attacks the base, Jo able convince the leader of the Sea Devils to go into hiding and saves her from a Burmaster who attempts to use Jo’s sea vehicle to escape and by kicking her out placing her back inside the Sea machine and is unclear what happens to Burmaster but Jo warns UNIT who take action which will continue in the last two parts of the series. She is joined by Ingrid Oliver as Osgood and Jemma Redgrave makes a few appearances as Kate Stewart.

The first 9 minutes are amazing and the way Jo Grant is introduced is amazing and she is clumsy during the episode which helps Jo stand out through the episode. Katy Manning is the star of this audio drama and performs well as she would on screen and I recommend Jo Grant fans buy this as she great and especially she talks to the Sea Devils and is not afraid of them

Ingrid Oliver definitely shines here than on TV maybe due to the style of stories. Osgood is really great here and I am glad she was written the way she was on TV and I love the way she sides with Jo than Kate on the Sea Devils and kind of contributes to sending Jo out and her chemistry with Jo is special.

This is a great audio and it’s Katy Manning’s story!

Score: 8/10