54 years of Who: The First Time Travelling Team and why I love them

The first time traveling team was First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton. This team lasted for 10 stories overall in Seasons 1 & 2.

They started in the Unearthely Child which saw schoolteachers Ian and Barbara being whisked away to avoid telling the what they saw by their Students Grandfather.

From prehistoric times to the future to being stuck in the TARDIS.

They relationship started  bad but soon they became very good friends.


Why I love them

I just think it was handled much quicker than Twelve and Clara as they argued in a better way and I understood more.

Susan and the Doctor’s relationship showed his fatherly side and how he cared for her.

Ian and Barbara romance definitely blossomed.

Barbara caring for Susan and understanding her problems

Baranara’s attempts to change history in the Aztecs but she understood at the end.

Ian being funny.

The family set up!