The Tsungara Conundrum Review

The Tsuranga Countdown was quite an episode but it had hits and had a controversial moments.

The guest cast was the best in this series and I have to disagree with the reviewers that no one gets left out as they all have a role to play. Jack Shaloo played a pregnant alien Yoss Inkl who got pregnant on holiday by a man and the baby is a man which of purse was controversial and as we know, Chibnall has been criticised for a lot of stuff this year. I still prefer The Cat getting pregnant in Red Dwarf XI in Can Of Worms with a hilarious birthing scene in the birthing poll but Yoss had a caesarean which ends up successfully with both Yoss and his baby Avacado surving the birth with help from Ryan, Graham who both cut the cord and Mabli played by Lois Chimbaba delivered the baby. Mabli was an interested character and was later praised by the Doctor for helping the team to safety.

The Tsing are probably the second cutest aliens and are more scary than the Adipose who didn’t have a scary attributes but dissolve the occupants bodies. I do feel for Tsing at the end but it has to pay the price.

Tosin Cole did making job this week as Ryan finally revealed the truth about his mum dad to Yaz and performs it well. Also, Chibnall writes something clever as Ryn gives Yoss Inkl the best advice and is able to persuade him how to be a great parent showing that even though this never happened to him, he is able to share the advice to Yoss.

There was lot of family themes in this episode like Ryan and Graham teaming up to deliver a baby, Yoss gives birth to a baby and Cicero siblings restoring their respect for each other.

Jodie Whittaker was once again a star and I love her as the Doctor and definitely is one of my favourites.

I love the episode and great guest cast! I didn’t mind a pregnant men and found it funny and a cute but scary Alien!

Score: 10/10