Titles, What Does It Mean – S12 Edition

Title, What Does It Mean is back. I have anted to bring this back since I started ti last year and I thought, let’s have a theme this time. The second instalment is all about S12. I have 9 titles and let’s translate on what do they mean

TITLE: Spyfall

What Does It Mean: Spies around the world falling to the hands of the Kasaavin

TITLE: Orphan 55

What Does It Mean: Earth in the FUTURE

TITLE: Nikola Tesla’s Night Of Terror

What Does It Mean: Nikola Tesla is being hunted by alien scavengers.

TITLE: Fugitive of the Judoon

What Does It Mean: The Judoon and hunting a Fugitive that is on the run.

TITLE: Praxeus

What Does It Mean: A virus that kills creatures by exploding them. Except one that was destroyed till later on.

TITLE: Can You Hear Me

What Does It Mean: Self entitled creatures wanting to create nightmares for fun

TITLE: The Haunting of Villa Diodati

What Does It Mean: Villa Diodati is being haunted by one of its residents being possessed by a alien creature.

TITLE: Ascension Of The Cybermen

What Does It Mean: A new race of Cybermen is born.

TITLE: The Timeless Children

What Does It Mean: The Timeless Child is revealed to be the Doctor.